How to Run a Network Detective Scan on AD Network

Updated by Emma Stone


It is recommended to turn off Windows Firewall via Group Policy for all computers prior to running a Net Scan. 

How to Run a Scan

  1. Open the Scanner 

    Download the Network and Security scanner on the Domain Controller of the network. Right click and choose "Run as Administrator" 
    Choose "Unzip" on the dialogue 
    Click "OK" when files have been extracted and wait a moment for the Network Detective application to launch.
  2. Select Scan Type

    Select "Network Data Collector" and "Security Data Collector", then proceed. (Local Data Collector will be selected by default.)
  3. Enter Active Directory Credentials

    Enter the FQDN (usually auto-populates) and the password of an administrator, then click "Next"
  4. Select Local Domains to Scan

    Recommended: Proceed with default "ALL" selection
  5. Additional Credentials (Optional)

    Enter additional admin credentials if desired, then proceed. 
  6. External Domains 

    Add any external domains or IP addresses, then click "Next"
  7. IP Ranges

    The scanner will auto-detect the range of the device it is running from, but additional ranges should be added manually.
    Any warning about scan time is most likely greatly exaggerated, as there most likely is not a device on every address of every range entered. 
  8. User Control Tests

    Recommended: Proceed with default selection (all tests)
  9. File Scanner

    Recommended to keep default OFF for most scans.
    File scanning can take days depending on the size of the network and is unnecessary for most non-compliance assessments. 
  10. Optional: Turn off Internet Speed Tests

    If bandwidth or scan time is a concern, the internet speed test portion of the test can be turned off by selecting "Advanced Options" 
    Then selecting "Skip Internet Speed Checks", then "OK"
  11. Run Assessment

    Select "Start" 
    The collection process will begin. 
    When the dialogue box shows Complete, the result file can be retrieved from the Desktop. 

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